Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lynda.com Adobe CS5 Tutorials and Training

 Lynda.com Adobe CS5 Tutorials and Training
Genre: Video Training | Size: 21 GB

 Lynda.com Adobe CS5 Tutorials and Training includes:
  1. After Effects CS5 New Features
  2. After Effects CS5 New Creative Techniques
  3. After Effects CS5 Essential Training
  4. Dreamweaver CS5 New Features
  5. Dreamweaver CS5 Essential Training
  6. Encore CS5 New Features
  7. Encore CS5 Essential Training
  8. Fireworks CS5 New Features
  9. Fireworks CS5 Essential Training
  10. Flash Catalyst CS5 Essential Training
  11. Flash Professional CS5 New Features
  12. Flash Professional CS5 Essential Training
  13. Illustrator CS5 New Features
  14. Illustrator CS5 Essential Training
  15. InDesign CS5 New Features
  16. InDesign CS5 Essential Training
  17. Photoshop and Bridge CS5 for Photographers New Features
  18. Photoshop CS5 New Features
  19. Photoshop CS5 Essential Training
  20. Photoshop CS5 One-on-One: Fundamentals
  21. Photoshop CS5 Top 5
  22. Premiere Pro CS5 New Features
  23. Premiere Pro CS5 Essential Training
  24. Soundbooth CS5 Essential Training


Office Password Recovery Magic v6.1.1.101

  • Title : Office Password Recovery Magic v6.1.1.101

Office Password Recovery Magic is password recovery software designed to help users recover the lost or forgotten password. Any office files’ read-only passwords can be recovered here. We still can recover *.xls, *.ppt, *.mdb, *.doc and Office 2007 formats files. The easy-to-use interface help users do exact search. Users can set parameters to exact the range of searching password, such as the length of the password and the shape of the password. Users still can using dictionary file, which is a string document to find password more quickly.

Key Features

Recover the lost or forgotten password quickly.
Recover read-only passwords for Microsoft Office Word.
Recover read-only passwords for Microsoft Office Excel.
Recover read-only passwords for Microsoft Office PowerPoint.
Recover read-only passwords for Microsoft Office Access.
User-friendly interface.